Devkit not working

I found someone else with the same error I had in this forum:

I saw the fix was to upload new firmware so that is what I did. However, when I am trying to upload the new firmware to the devkit I am not able to use bm topo to get the ID to push the firmware. When I use bm topo on the spotter terminal I get told it is not a valid command. When I use it on the devkit I get “bm topoTimed out waiting for ready flag!” I assume this means I am not able to get the ID for the node I need. This means I am not able to push the new firmware update that fixes the problem.

I believe bm topo only works from the mote presently.

What method for firmware upload are you using and how far did you make it into that process (link me to a step in the guide where you got to last).

I managed to get it working, when I used the bm topo in the terminal for the devkit terminal it appeared at some point and I was able to use that to install the new firmware. The devkit now works

I used the bottom of this guide once I found the ID

Great! DFU-Util is a nice little tool and is well documented here if you get stuck anytime using that method: Ubuntu Manpage: dfu-util - Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer