Using GPIO (IO1/IO2) on DevKit


Doing a basic integration of a DS18B20 which requires a single GPIO pin. I see on the schematic that there are IO1/IO2 available. Can I use any of the headers available on the board (Black/Blue), or will I need to solder my own header to the row of throughholes on the bottom of the board.


Hey there @fiestapinguino, great question.

What will you be using the single GPIO pin for specifically? There may already be a breakout on the development board (the orange one) that serves your needs or can be updated in the firmware to serve this need.


I’m going to leave this here for future me…

Hey Zack,

I specifically need to use the 1-Wire protocol to communicate with the sensor which uses a single wire/pin for both tx and rx communication. I am reading that I can use a GPIO or USART to write the driver, but am probably going to start by bit banging a GPIO. Is this feasible on the Bristlefin?

The temp probe itself only has 3 wires: VCC, GND, and Data. I’ve used the 3V3 and GND pins on the Bristlefin but am not sure if I should be using the IO1/IO2 throughholes or something else.

Hey Aadu! :wave:
You can use either of the two available IO pins (IO1 and IO2) accessible on the bottom edge of the devkit board. These nets are from the on-board I2C IO expander.

Another note - if your sensor has only one line for tx-rx, would it happen to be using the SDI-12 communication protocol by any chance? We have pinouts for SDI-12 on the devkit board.

Hi Uma! Good to hear from you! Thanks for the information. I don’t think it’s using the SDI-12 protocol, but I will recheck.