This past week I’ve mainly been working on a rust proof-of-concept that can run on the mote. The idea is if I can basically get the ADIN working, then I can create a basic Bristlemouth core crate. I’ve pushed my work-in-progress to my personal github here: GitHub - towynlin/bm-mote-rs-poc1. Right now reading the SPI bus from the ADIN mostly gives zeros, so something about the board isn’t set up correctly yet.
If I get stuck on that for too long, I might switch gears to work on a Bristlemouth core library crate with unit tests on my host machine that could be added to the mote executable later. With Victor’s find of that 10BaseT1L adapter in the office, I may give that a try as well to iterate on a rust bm core proof of concept.
I’ve also been chatting with @zack_j about building the open source ecosystem and about potential future governance models, a topic we’re both super interested in.
And one more thing — good first issue posted! I’d love for someone in the community to see that and take it on. We’re super happy to help guide anyone who’s interested toward a solution.