Accessibility Flare Check-in #6

Getting started in an hour. Everyone’s welcome to drop in!

Accessibility Flare Check-in #6
Thursday, August 22 · 10:30 – 11:00am
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
Google Meet joining info
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Or dial: ‪(US) +1 240-560-3850‬ PIN: ‪524 058 042‬#
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This past week I have continued to write out every function within the BCMP folder of bm_protocol, the inputs to the funciton and the other functions that are called from within the original funciton.

From there I have got a huge list of all of the functions that are called within BCMP and I have organized it into groups of where these functions originate.

So for the groups I have identified are:

  • BCMP Core functions
  • BCMP DFU Functions
  • BM L2 Functions
  • LWIP Functions
  • ADIN Functions
  • FreeRTOS Functions
  • BM Middleware Functions
  • CBOR Functions
  • Custom Functions (specific to STM32U5 and/or our implementations)
  • MCUBoot Functions

My next step is to diagram out the different groups and create a spider web of dependencies. From there I hope to create a second diagram that streamlines the dependencies and can lead to a clearer implementation instead of a giant spider web. Another goal of this is to clearly outline the areas that need work, i.e. a FreeRTOS abstraction layer, a DFU abstraction layer, etc.

If you look back at the schedule from Accessibility Flare Check-in #1 you’ll find that we’ve reached the end of this flare phase. We’ve learned a lot through our explorations. Now is the time to transition into focused execution for the rest of the year.

I’ll aim to post the draft API docs this week. They’re still a work in progress, but they do lay out some decisions made and a path for us to follow while we continue to build and learn.

The whole goal of this accessibility initiative is to make it easier for Bristlemouth OEM integrators to make their devices support Bristlemouth, on any embedded platform. Let’s make it happen!