BristleCon 2025 Wrap Up Thread

BristleCon 2025 Wrap Up Thread

Wow! What an amazing event.

Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and energy to making BristleCon 2025 a huge success.

We’ll be adding photos, videos, recordings, and links to this thread as we get them. Please feel free to reply to this thread with any information, slides, or photos.

Looking to collaborate or continue networking? Introduce yourself!
If you were an attendee (or wanted to attend) and want to keep the conversations going please feel free to use this thread to introduce yourself, find collaborators, or post any missed connections.

Watch the BristleCon 2025 recordings

Note that these videos are unlisted for the time being but will be moved to the public channel in a few weeks. Feel free to share the links until then.

Fill out the feedback survey

Please fill this out. It will help us make BristleCon 2026 even better.

Photo gallery [more photos coming soon]


The session recordings are up!

We are still making some minor edits and additions so these will be unlisted for a few weeks. Feel free to share them by using direct links or the link above.

Thanks again to all our great speakers!


One little easter egg / surprise that I wanted to share with everyone. Our Sea Shanty band from the happy hour are just part-time musical legends.

During the day (and probably most nights) they run an amazing sustainable seafood CSA here in the Bay Area.

Check it out:

Also, Kirk’s book is a must-have for any ocean-lover in Northern California.

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Some early photo highlights: more to come!

To Zack and the Team behind BristleCon 2025, thank you all for organizing such an incredible ‘Meeting of the Minds’ event this past week. I was honored to be a part of it, and energized to develop really cool collaborative blue tech.

To the whole community, our WHALEFALL team is launching a new phase of Bristlemouth education: Online education, workshops, and field testing of prototypes. We will start a new thread on forum soon, if you want to collaborate on this topic please connect with me.


Thanks so much for your time and kind words, @VincentSmith. We’re looking forward to collaborating on this!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all the attendees, especially the folks who really dug into details on day 2. I had a blast working with you on your projects! :heart:

I’m excited that we could help people work through challenges, get over technical hurdles, and get inspired for all the possibilities in 2025! Let’s keep the energy and the conversations going! :raised_hands:

Reach out to me anytime here on the forum, on GitHub, or on LinkedIn.

THAT WAS AWESOME! I couldn’t believe how many people had gone from theory to practice with projects using Bristlemouth, and there were some seriously good technical conversations and show-and-tells to be had on day 2. I can only imagine what we’ll be able to show by BristleCon of next year.

Special thanks to @vsowa12 and @matt001k for helping Tom and me with our Bristlemouth DepthIMU board design. We’re hoping to be able to give some demos of that here on the forums soon!



Just to reiterate my comment from last week, great job by everybody. I was disappointed to not be able to attend in person, but I enjoyed all of the presentations on the first day. Very well done. So cool to hear about the real life implementations, which gives me hope that our work at Elmhurst will be helpful at some point as well.

It’d be cool if you could set up some sort of roving camera so that those of us watching remotely could see the Regatta as it happened. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for all of the hard work.
