ERR failed to sample pressure sensor & packet processing error: -7


Has anyone ever see this before while using terminal connect devkit?

"ERR Failed to sample pressure sensor!ERR Failed to sample pressure sensor!power | tick: 8004205, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.001600, current: 0.000000

power | tick: 8004207, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.011200, current: -0.000500

packet processing error: -7

packet processing error: -7
Our group is working on apply RP2040 microcontroller and circuit python to the Dev kit. We finished everything on the Circuiy Python Guide and everything work last month. While I am trying to connect a DS18B20 temperature, we have those error codes. We checked the circuit, and we have these error codes with or without our temperature sensor and RP2040 microcontroller.

Hi! :wave:

These two errors come from two different places in the code.

The dev kit breakout board has a BME280 pressure sensor on the I2C bus. When we try and fail to read it, we print an error here:

You’d need to look at the hardware to understand why it’s failing to read.

The “packet processing error” comes from the serial_bridge app that you’re using to talk to the RP2040. It’s printed here:

It prints that when the message received from the RP2040 has valid COBS encoding but an error in processing the packet. The error codes are here:

Code -7 is “unsupported message”, returned when the packet’s type field was not one of the known values here:

Probably you’re not sending valid bm_serial data from the RP2040. The python library for sending a couple of known publish messages is here:

Does that help?

I will try solve those errors

Hi @zachary, I’m trying to help @RuiqiLi through the devkit. If we do determine that there is a hardware issue with the BME280, is there a new firmware image for the devkit that you can provide him to completely bypass the sensor?

Hey Aadu!

OK first a question about which version of the Bristlefin we’re working with — an older one has a big, white, round, MS5803 while newer ones use the BME280. Here’s a side-by-side pic.

And then another question about the logs. If the barometer is having an issue, I would expect to see “Failed to init bristlefin” on the USB console of the mote, printed here:

If that is happening, then I would recommend commenting out those 3 lines. That will remove any setup of the HTU or pressure sensors.

Make sense?