So I simplified the serial_payload_example app to only read bytes coming through the RS232 pinout so that I can confirm my data transfer is happening and that I am receiving bytes from my sensor. After uploading the app, I am receiving bytes, however they are random bytes and characters that do not make sense with my sensor application.
I then went and hooked an oscilloscope up to my sensor’s rs232 tx pin and was able to see the expected waveform and the ASCII translation of the bytes and confirmed that these bytes were the expected bytes my sensor would output.
Next, I went and hooked the oscilloscope up to the bm dev kit, specifically, where the rs232 pin is joined to the payload UART pin with shunt jumpers. I found that this waveform looked completely different than the waveform my sensor sent into the rs232 connector on the other side of the dev kit. This waveform was inverted and unable to be transcribed by the byte to ASCII converter configuration on the oscilloscope. I assume this is from signal conditioning happening between the rs232 connecter on the backside of the dev kit and where the rs232 pin is to be connected to the payload UART pin on the front side of the dev kit, but if this is not supposed to be happening, then I found the problem to my app not reading the correct bytes.
If this signal condition that adjusts the tx waveform is supposed to happen for the payload UART system to read the rs232 pinout-- then I will search for a solution in my code, although I don’t think this is the case.