Welcoming @AndreH as a new member of the Bristlemouth Pioneer Program

Please join us in congratulating @AndreH of Sea Technology Services (Pty) Ltd! We look forward to learning more about your project.

Greetings people of Bristlemouth!

We are super excited to be part of this community and look forward to contribute to building on the standard and integrating bespoke sensor solutions.

Our first project involves attaching an array of accelerometers and temperature sensors to kelp stems in the kelp forests around Cape Town. The recorded temperature and water movement data is then used by scientists to gain a more precise and more immediate picture of the health and challenges of our marine ecosystems. These data will also contribute to enhancing existing models.

We are already envisaging follow up projects using Spotter and Bristlemouth as a solid base.

We are a herd of nerds that love the ocean. We speak everything from assembly ,bash, C to Python.

We look forward to sharing as much of the journey as we can.

Thank you Bristlemouth for enabling us to be part of this exciting endeavor!


Andre! Super excited to follow your project. Kelp is a very near and dear subject to many of us here on the California team.

Thank you for your enthusiasm as well–looking forward to working together!


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