Bristlemouth Connecters to MicroUSB

Hey my name is Estevan Torres and we are attempting to connect a Hydromoth mircophone to the devkit. The micophone uses a mircoUSB cable for power and data whilest the devkit has it’s own connectors. We want to find a way to connect the two using the same power source whilst avoiding the interference of saltwater. We were wondering if there was a way to connect the DevKit cables as they are waterproof to the MicroUSB cables of the mircophone?

Hi @EstevanTorres, It looks like the Hydromoth needs to be in an underwater case to be waterproof. Is it possible to connect to its Micro USB connection while it’s in that case, or will you have to create a waterproof penetration into that case as well?

You could try running the USB signals over a MicroCircular bulkhead connector, but I’m not sure that would work.

Another option would be to try water-proofing around the USB cable penetration into the Dev Kit using Blue ROV WetLink penetrators.

One other thing - while the Bristlemouth Development Kit does have a native USB interface, we don’t yet have any code examples for using this interface to read from external sensors. If you’re not a seasoned embedded engineer, that might be pretty tricky to setup. An alternative would be to use a USB ↔ FTDI adapter (like this one), which would let you convert the USB data to UART serial data, connect to the UART signals on the Development Board, and use the serial-payload-example app as a code reference.

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