With the awesome news that Bristlemouth is now interfacing with a Pi, and the great work done by the folks who were able to pass an image through Bristlemouth, I thought it might be a good time to catch up on what we’ve been up to. Anyone who has seen my previous posts might know this is going to be a bit long. Patience, my friends.
We successfully finished our first ROV. It’s a simple unit, all manually controlled, with 3 thrusters. There’s nothing new here, but I see it as a great opportunity for our students to learn some of the things that they’ll have to deal with when building a submersible, from movement, to bouyancy, to control, working with waterproof seals, etc. “Sea trials” were in my bathfub. I’ll get it out to some local ponds soon just to try it out.
I’m moving on to the design for our 2nd submersible, which will have a Pi on board, which is why I’m excited about the Bristlemouth Pi communications
There are some practical challenges that are driving some of the design decisions into interesting areas. We are in Elmhurst, IL. As you may notice, we don’t have any oceans nearby but we do have Lake Michigan. That is great, BUT, the deep parts of Lake Michigan that are our target areas are a long way offshore, well, “long way” for us. And so, we’d have to travel a ways (the deepest part of Lake Michigan is about 150 miles north of us), and then charter a boat to get us and gear onto the Lake. That’s expensive, especially if you want to do it fairy regularly to test equipment and capabilities. Even if stay in shallower waters for now.
That got us, well, me, thinking about building a small surface vessel that could act as a “mothership” for the ROV and let it take the ROV wherever we’d like to explore (whether that be environmental monitoring, wreck mapping, etc). Luckily, there are folks already doing this, and we can piggyback on their great work. Basically, the idea would be to have the surface vessel ferry the ROV out to wherever we’re testing, and drop the ROV with a fiber optic tether (a later generation could be completely autonomous). The tether allows the surface vessel to relay control and monitoring data to and from the ROV. Now, typical remote control systems can’t reach as far as we need to go with the surface vessel, so we need another solution. I thought that the Bristlemouth Developer’s kit would be a tool for that since it has those communications capabilities, at least in concept now. Unfortunately, we haven’t been granted a developer’s kit, so I needed another solution. I thought about modeling our ROV management system on the way that the Mars rovers are controlled. They don’t have real time connections, and so send instructions that are interpreted by the rovers and executed. Since I can do that, I think, with text messages, I think we can use cell phones on the surface vessel for that purpose. (I’ve checked with local boaters, and texting out into the Lake is not a problem) I still like the idea of working with Bristlemouth, and so I plan to mimic the protocol as much as I can so that should we be fortunate to get a developers kit at some point, we can migrate to that. We’d simply integrate the buoy into our surface vessel (somehow :-)).
So, in short, we’ll have a Pi managed surface vessel that we can communicate with via text messages. It will have the basic mission paramaters loaded into the Pi. The surface vessel will have the submersible on board in some sort of cradle that can be opened to drop the ROV as well as bring it back on board. The ROV will have its own Pi on board for managing operations there.
And then the surface vessel brings everything back to a happy reunion with the land lubbers on shore. I’m going to take a close look at the image carrying work that’s been done, since we can definitely use something like that. Under consideration is adding a side scan sonar to the ROV to find targets of interest and then having a 2nd, deeper diving ROV for further examination, but one thing at a time.
And, I’ll just add as I usually do…I completely understand the folks at Bristlemouth not granting us a developer’s kit. The work that they’ve been doing is prioritizing sensor work, and while we’d certainly use that at some point, that’s not our focus. So, I’m cool with that, but as I said, I’m going to mimic the protocol as much as I can as we do our work so that should a kit become a “thing” for us at some point, we’d have less migration work to do. There are plenty of fun challenges to be figured out, with or without Bristlemouth, so plenty of good learnings for our students (and me).
I should be starting to 3D print the components for the ROV in a couple of weeks.
If you made it this far, thanks for your patience.