Dev Kit loses power after 2 min Spotter initialization period

The spotter (SPOT-31255C) seems to lose “connection” with the devkit once it finishes the 2 minute initialization period (246471t [BRIDGE_SYS] [INFO] Neighbor ba6d281ef1afe11 lost). The devkit led stops flashing at that point so I assume it lost power. I thought maybe it was a power issue, but I charged up the spotter last night and no luck. I have everything hooked up exactly the same when I was working through all 5 devkit guides and never had this issue. I also read a solution in a different forum that eluded to gpio get 3v3_bridge_e, but the response was 1. Here is a screenshot of the terminals. I took out some readings just to make the log smaller.

Dev Kit Terminal

— Available ports:
— 1: /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port ‘n/a’
— 2: /dev/cu.usbmodem0000EF1AFE111 ‘Bristlemouth’
— 3: /dev/cu.usbmodem0000EF1AFE113 ‘Bristlemouth’
— 4: /dev/cu.usbmodemSPOT_31255C1 ‘Spotter’
— Enter port index or full name: 2
— Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodem0000EF1AFE111 9600,8,N,1 —
— Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —

hum_temp | tick: 20358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.744629, temp: 21.994402
pressure | tick: 20379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.740000, pressure: 1017.729980
power | tick: 20381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.091200, current: -0.000250
power | tick: 20383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.059200, current: -0.000250

bm topo
(root)ba6d281ef1afe11:1 | 1:cda76f3e3417c2fd

APP_NAME: hello_world-dbg
UID: 203037484d305008003f001c
MAC: 00:00:ef:1a:fe:11
IP addresses:
Link Local: FE80::BA6:D281:EF1A:FE11
Unicast: FD00::BA6:D281:EF1A:FE11
FW Version: ENG-v0.3.0+778871dc
Build ID: 778871dcffe893cd911e522c8cc32d70c265d528
BSP: mote_v1_0
Reset Reason: Invalid reset or first power on since flashing
Node ID: 0ba6d281ef1afe11
Bootloader Information:
Version: ENG-v0.1.0-17-gfcd5ad13-dirty
Signature support: 0
Encrytion support: 0
Swap Type: NONE
info end
hum_temp | tick: 50358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.775146, temp: 22.048027
pressure | tick: 50379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.770000, pressure: 1017.710022
power | tick: 50381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.004800, current: -0.000250
power | tick: 50383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.052799, current: -0.000250

Spotter Terminal

— Available ports:
— 1: /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port ‘n/a’
— 2: /dev/cu.usbmodemSPOT_31255C1 ‘Spotter’
— Enter port index or full name: 2
— Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodemSPOT_31255C1 9600,8,N,1 —
— Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H —

/ | / _| / | | | | |
\ --. ___ | |_ __ _ _ __ \ –. _ __ ___ | |
| |
___ _ __
--. \/ _ \| _/ _ | '
| `–. \ ’
\ / _ | __| / _ \ '|
/ / () | || (| | | /_/ / |) | () | || || / |
/ _/|| _,|| _/| ./ _/ _|__||
| |
| ENG-v2.7.0+7fc945a5

Charge mode enabled. Toggle power switch to turn on

111598t [SYS] [INFO] Switch toggled to ON. Continuing boot process.
111598t [SYS] [INFO] GpsPowerManager disabled, starting up GPS normally.
111598t [GPS] [WARNING] Initializing GPS. Tries remaining 3
111828t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: u-blox AG -
111872t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: HW UBX-M8030 00080000
111917t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: EXT CORE 3.01 (107900)
111961t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: ROM BASE 3.01 (107888)
111998t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: FWVER=SPG 3.01
112033t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: PROTVER=18.00
112069t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: MOD=NEO-M8N-0
112112t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: FIS=0xEF4015 (100111)
112411t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: PF=3FF
112599t [UBX] [WARNING] Packet RX timeout
113343t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: Resetting GNSS
113774t [GPS] [WARNING] TXT: Resetting GNSS
114343t [UBX] [INFO] Requesting TP5 Data
114539t [UBX] [WARNING] Packet RX timeout
114599t [ERR] [INFO] GpsErrorState changed from N/A to NO_SIGNAL
114600t [GPS] [WARNING] Successfully initialized GPS!
114602t [ORC] [INFO] Standard Mode Enabled
114602t [ERR] [INFO] OrchErrorState changed from N/A to OK
114602t [SYS] [INFO] Initialize sensors
114671t [ERR] [INFO] HtuErrorState changed from N/A to OK
114671t [SYS] [INFO] Starting barometer filter with parameters:
size: 200
percentile: 10.00
downsamplingRate: 50
alpha: 1.0000387
114682t [ERR] [INFO] BaroErrorState changed from N/A to OK
114741t [SYS] [INFO] APP_NAME: spotter_bm-dbg
114741t [SYS] [INFO] UID: 2034353848485011003D0037
114741t [SYS] [INFO] FW Version: ENG-v2.7.0+7fc945a5
114741t [SYS] [INFO] GIT SHA: 69AAE7A0
114741t [SYS] [INFO] Build ID: 7fc945a51421f562d2c7cfd3ed52f7dd13a0688a
114742t [SYS] [INFO] BSP: sunflower_v3.3
114742t [SYS] [INFO] Reset Reason: Enter charge mode reset
114742t [SYS] [INFO] Main Deck HW Version: 02
114744t [SYS] [INFO] Upper Deck HW Version: 02
114744t [SYS] [INFO] Bootloader Information:
Version: ENG-v2.5.0-RC5-56-g9b52a47d
SHA: 9B52A47D
Signature support: 0
Encrytion support: 0
Swap Type: NONE
Bm bridge dfu init complete
Transitioning to state: idle
114756t [BRIDGE] [INFO] Bridge Enabled
115061t [ORC] [INFO] Iridium modem enabled
115085t [SYS] [INFO] Iridium IMEI: 300534063792850
115099t [IRI] [INFO] ATI0 - 2400
115119t [IRI] [INFO] ATI1 - 0000
115132t [IRI] [INFO] ATI2 - OK
115149t [IRI] [INFO] ATI3 - TA21004
115171t [IRI] [INFO] ATI4 - IRIDIUM 9600 Family
115186t [IRI] [INFO] ATI5 - 8816
115200t [IRI] [INFO] ATI6 - 1YK
115227t [IRI] [INFO] ATI7 - BOOT07d4/9602NrvA-D/04/RAW0d
115247t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMI - Iridium
115281t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMM - IRIDIUM 9600 Family SBD Transceiver
115304t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGSN - 300534063792850
115352t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - Modem DSP Version: 1.7 svn: 2358
115367t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - DBB Version: 0x0001 (ASIC)
115383t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - RFA Version: 0x0007 (SRFA2)
115394t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - NVM Version: KVS
115420t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - Hardware Version: BOOT07d4/9602NrvA-D/04/RAW0d
115442t [IRI] [INFO] AT+CGMR - BOOT Version: 2004 TD2-BLB960X-27 R4710
115445t [ERR] [INFO] IridiumErrorState changed from N/A to OK
115446t [ORC] [INFO] Iridium modem disabled
115452t [BRIDGE] [INFO] Reboot info received from cda76f3e3417c2fd - Reason: 8 gitSHA: ee3fcc0f Reboot cnt: 0
115474t [ERR] [INFO] Visibility LEDErrorState changed from N/A to OK
117455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Response msg – Node Id:0,Partition:system, Commit Status:0
117455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Num Keys: 3
117455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Key 0: bridgePowerControllerEnabled
117455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Key 1: sampleIntervalMs
117456t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Key 2: sampleDurationMs
117456t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Response msg – Node Id:0,Partition:user, Commit Status:0
117456t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Num Keys: 0
117462t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Response msg – Node Id:0,Partition:hardware, Commit Status:0
117462t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Num Keys: 1
117462t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Key 0: smConfigurationCrc
117469t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Node ID: 0 Partition: system Value: 1
117476t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Node ID: 0 Partition: system Value: 3600000
117482t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Node ID: 0 Partition: system Value: 605000
117489t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Node ID: 0 Partition: hardware Value: 3027809916
119756t [BRIDGE] [INFO] Requesting self test
119759t [BRIDGE] [INFO] Self test result from cda76f3e3417c2fd - 1
119759t [ERR] [INFO] bridgeErrorState changed from N/A to OK
119760t [BRIDGE] [INFO] Self test successful
120455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge network info CRC: b478b67c
120455t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge FW Version: Major: 0 Minor: 1 Revision: 2
120456t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge sys config partition CRC: 464f413d
120456t [BRIDGE_CFG] [INFO] Bridge toplogy: cda76f3e3417c2fd | ba6d281ef1afe11
120925t [MS] [INFO] Notecard powered on!
120925t [MS] [INFO] Notecard enabled successfully
120969t [SYS] [INFO] Notecard IMEI: 868050040290716
120969t [SYS] [INFO] Notecard sku: NOTE-WBNA-500
120969t [SYS] [INFO] Notecard Board Version: 1.11
120970t [SYS] [INFO] Notecard Firmware Version: notecard-
120970t [MS] [INFO] Removing old notecard tx messages
126264t [MS] [INFO] Flushing old notecard rx messages
126288t [MS] [INFO] Checking for update (and clearing successful one!)
126303t [ERR] [INFO] CellularErrorState changed from N/A to OK

126430t ba6d281ef1afe11, hum_temp | tick: 10358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.805664, temp: 21.994402
126452t ba6d281ef1afe11, pressure | tick: 10379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.730000, pressure: 1017.669983
126473t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 10381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.398400, current: -0.000250
126494t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 10383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.054399, current: -0.000250

127253t [MS] [INFO] Entering Transmit cellular state.

136432t ba6d281ef1afe11, hum_temp | tick: 20358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.744629, temp: 21.994402
136454t ba6d281ef1afe11, pressure | tick: 20379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.740000, pressure: 1017.729980
136475t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 20381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.091200, current: -0.000250
136496t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 20383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.059200, current: -0.000250

APP_NAME: spotter_bm-dbg
UID: 2034353848485011003D0037
FW Version: ENG-v2.7.0+7fc945a5
Build ID: 7fc945a51421f562d2c7cfd3ed52f7dd13a0688a
BSP: sunflower_v3.3
Reset Reason: Enter charge mode reset
Main Deck HW Version: 02
Upper Deck HW Version: 02
Iridium IMEI: 300534063792850
Bootloader Information:
Version: ENG-v2.5.0-RC5-56-g9b52a47d
SHA: 9B52A47D
Signature support: 0
Encrytion support: 0
Swap Type: NONE
Notecard Information:
Notecard IMEI: 868050040290716
Notecard sku: NOTE-WBNA-500
Notecard Board Version: 1.11
Notecard Firmware Version: notecard-
SD Card Information:
CardVersion: 2.x
Class: 1461
Block Size: 512
Number of Blocks: 31116288
Size: 15.93GB
Current Partition: 15.93GB (15.82GB free)
info end

176440t ba6d281ef1afe11, hum_temp | tick: 60358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.683594, temp: 22.080202
176463t ba6d281ef1afe11, pressure | tick: 60379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.790001, pressure: 1017.510010
176483t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 60381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.003200, current: -0.000250
176504t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 60383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.056000, current: -0.000250

rstr = 4 (Read only) - “Reset reason” (0,31)
rctls = 2 (Read only) - “Reboot controller source” (0,15)
hwv = 12 (Read only) - “Hardware Version” (0,31)
hbtldr = 1 (Read only) - “Has bootloader support” (0,1)
bhss = 0 (Read only) - “Bootloader supports signed images” (0,1)
bhes = 0 (Read only) - “Bootloader supports encrypted images” (0,1)
autup = 1 - “Automatically update firmware when available” (0,1)
yolo = 0 - “If yolo is set, images will be pre-confirmed” (0,1)
imen = 0 - “Idle mode enabled” (0,1)
imch = 24 - “Hours between idle mode checkins” (1,32)
imgto = 3 - “Minutes to wait for GPS fix in idle mode” (1,16)
imito = 5 - “Minutes to transmit Cellular and/or Iridium message in idle mode” (1,16)
battcrit = 2900 - “Critical Battery Voltage Threshold (mv)” (2300,4300)
batten = 3100 - “Battery Voltage Threshold to exit low-power state (mv)” (2300,4300)
mod = 4 - “Run mode” (0,5)
ali = 1 - “Orchestrator sampling clock alignment in 5 minute increments. i.e setting 2 → 2 * 5 = 10 min alignment” (1,72)
fmd = 60 - “Duration in minutes of full moon/message samples” (1,60)
dwl = 0 - “Dwell minutes between full/standard/partition message cycles” (0,2047)
smrr = 1 - “Reporting rate when in standard message mode. 0 for every half hour, 1 for every hour” (0,1)
pmpb = 7 - “Frequency bin at which to partition seas and swell wave data in partition message mode (will be offset by +6)” (0,15)
cde = 1 - “Enable coredumps” (0,1)
mfmet = 0 - “Enable memfault metrics” (0,1)
sde = 2 - “Enable SD Card” (0,2)
sddelay = 10 - “Debounce Delay for SD Card (ms)” (0,127)
sdcgb = 15 (Read only) - “SD card capacity in GigaBytes” (0,1024)
sdup = 0 (Read only) - “Percentage of the SD card used” (0,100)
gpsp = 400 - “PUBX,00 rate in ms” (25,65535)
gpsasr = 50 - “PUBX,03/HW status update rate in samples” (0,255)
gpsrtc = 1 - “Auto-trim RTC from GPS” (0,1)
gpsdt = 3 - “Maximum amount of seconds RTC can drift from GPS before resetting” (0,31)
hcim = 60 - “Minutes between system health checks” (0,1440)
boc = 3500 - “Bus overcurrent threshold (mA)” (0,8191)
sov = 75 - “Solar OverVoltage Thresholds in Volts*10.0” (0,128)
raind = 5000 - “Duration of mic recording in ms” (0,60000)
raini = 0 - “Time between rain samples in seconds” (0,65535)
rainrec = 0 - “Record rain data to wav file” (0,1)
hac = 1 (Read only) - “Has cellular hardware” (0,1)
cen = 1 - “Enable cellular modem” (0,1)
cere = 1 - “Initial wait time before attempting cellular again (hours)” (0,24)
cmr = 24 - “Max wait time before attempting cellular again (hours)” (1,24)
cdfut = 180 - “Max time to try updating from notecard (minutes)” (0,1023)
nsku = 1 (Read only) - “Notecard WBNA/WBEX Version” (0,2)
cimeit = 86805004 (Read only) - “Cellular IMEI TAC” (0,99999999)
cimeisn = 290716 (Read only) - “Cellular IMEI SN + Checksum” (0,9999999)
insp = 30 - “Notecard sync period for inbound messages in minutes.” (1,2048)
onsp = 30 - “Notecard sync period for outbound messages in minutes.” (1,2048)
hrpm = 1 - “Number of 5 minute records per HDR message” (0,6)
glpmen = 0 - “Enable gps low power mode” (0,1)
glpmw = 10 - “Time to let gps warm up in low power mode in minutes.” (1,60)
hab = 1 (Read only) - “Has bridge hardware” (0,1)
bhv = 1 (Read only) - “Bridge Hardware Version” (0,15)
bre = 1 - “Enable bridge” (0,1)
bdt = 3100 - “Bridge will be disabled when battery voltage falls below threshold” (3000,4000)
brd = 400 - “Bridge will be re-enabled when battery voltage rises back above bridgeDisableThresholdMV + this delta value” (1,512)
maxmont = 180 - “Max time iridium modem can be on in seconds” (1,1024)
minmoft = 600 - “Min time in seconds modem must be off before turning on” (0,3600)
ict = 0 - “Check iridium network time before transmitting” (0,1)
imss = 0 - “Minimum iridium signal strength before transmitting” (0,4)
ibhm = 60 - “Time (in minutes) after boot with low battery to wait to attempt message transmissions” (0,1023)
ibtv = 3500 - “Any voltage below this threshold at boot will cause messageSender to hold TXing iridium for iridiumBrownoutHoldMinutes” (3000,4500)
maxcmont = 10 - “Max time cell modem can be on in minutes” (1,64)
mincmoft = 10 - “Time in minutes cell modem must be off before turning on again” (0,127)
cmfbtm = 120 - “System will fallback to iridium modem if cell modem has not transmitted in cellModemFallbackTimeMin (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)” (0,2047)
hasst = 0 (Read only) - “Has SST” (0,1)
ssti = 1000 - “SST sampling interval in ms” (0,65535)
sstlr = 60 - “Time, in seconds, between SST samples in log” (1,4096)
sstoff = 0 (Read only) - “SST offset in hundreths of deg C” (-250,250)
ssig = 0 (Read only) - “SST signature in decimal” (0,4294967295)
scalt = 0 (Read only) - “SST calibration timestamp” (0,4294967295)
habar = 1 (Read only) - “Has barometer” (0,1)
bopa = -85 (Read only) - “Barometer offset in Pascals” (-32768,32767)
bsig = 1729805588 (Read only) - “Barometer signature” (0,4294967295)
bcalt = 1688667723 (Read only) - “Barometer calibration timestamp” (0,4294967295)
bari = 200 - “Barometer sampling interval in ms” (0,65535)
barfs = 200 - “Barometer filter size in samples” (1,512)
barfds = 50 - “Barometer samples per filtered sample” (1,1024)
barfpct = 10 - “Barometer filter percentile” (0,100)
barfa = 387 - “Barometer filter alpha = 1 + (baroFilterAlpha * 1e-7)” (-8388608,8388607)
barlr = 60 - “Time, in seconds, between BARO samples in log” (1,4096)
htui = 1000 - “HTU sampling interval in ms” (0,65535)
htulr = 60 - “Time, in seconds, between HTU samples in log” (1,4096)
pwrlr = 30 - “Time, in seconds, between power samples in log” (1,4096)
lsi = 60 - “Seconds between GPS LOC logs” (0,3600)
schki = 1800 - “Sensor check interval in seconds” (0,65535)
vle = 1 - “Vis LED Enable” (0,1)
vledonms = 75 - “Time in ms that visibility LED stays on in its blink cycle” (0,65535)
vledoffms = 2425 - “Time in ms that visibility LED turns off in its blink cycle” (100,65535)
vlednp = 1 - “Number of pulses in each pulse group” (0,255)
vledpgdms = 0 - “Delay, in ms between pulse groups” (0,65535)
vleimax = 500 - “Maximum current difference between LED off and on when running power self test” (50,500)
vleimin = 180 - “Minimum current difference between LED off and on when running power self test” (50,500)
lnmea = 4 - “NMEA Log Cfg” (0,29)
lgpsc = 4 - “GPSCSV Log Cfg” (0,29)
lgpsl = 28 - “GPSLog Log Cfg” (0,29)
lgmn = 20 - “GMN Log Cfg” (0,29)
lirid = 28 - “Iridium Log Cfg” (0,29)
lrain = 4 - “Rain Log Cfg” (0,29)
lrdb = 4 - “RainDB Log Cfg” (0,29)
lpipe = 4 - “Pipeline Log Cfg” (0,29)
lfilt = 1 - “Log FLT data” (0,1)
logn = 0 - “Log FLT/SPC N channel” (0,1)
lfft = 0 - “Log FFT in SPC” (0,1)
lspec = 0 - “Log SPEC in SPC” (0,1)
lspeca = 2 - “Log SPECA in SPC” (0,2)
lhdrcsv = 0 - “Log HDR.csv data” (0,1)
lhdr = 28 - “HDR Log Cfg” (0,29)
lerr = 28 - “ERR Log Cfg” (0,29)
lbri = 20 - “Bridge log” (0,29)
lbsd = 20 - “Bridge SD log” (0,29)
lms = 29 - “Message Sender Log” (0,29)
lser = 11 - “Serial Log” (0,29)
ltask = 4 - “Task log” (0,29)
lmem = 4 - “Memory log” (0,29)
lcfg = 28 - “Config log” (0,29)
lmic = 12 - “Microphone log” (0,29)
li2c = 12 - “I2C log” (0,29)
lspi = 12 - “SPI log” (0,29)
lfdbg = 4 - “Filter Debug” (0,29)
lsys = 28 - “SYS Log” (0,29)
lmflt = 4 - “Memfault Log” (0,29)
lorch = 4 - “Orchestrator logs” (0,29)
lgpm = 4 - “GPS Power Manager logs” (0,29)
lbaror = 4 - “Raw barometer data” (0,29)
lbarof = 20 - “Filtered barometer data” (0,29)
lmsg = 20 - “Message logs” (0,29)
lubx = 12 - “UBX logs” (0,29)
lnote = 21 - “Notecard log” (0,29)
ncdcl = 1440 - “Notecard clear timeout min” (1,10080)
cfg end
206446t ba6d281ef1afe11, hum_temp | tick: 90358, rtc: 0, hum: 69.531006, temp: 22.112377
206469t ba6d281ef1afe11, pressure | tick: 90379, rtc: 0, temp: 21.840000, pressure: 1017.469971
206490t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 90381, rtc: 0, addr: 67, voltage: 0.001600, current: -0.000250
206511t ba6d281ef1afe11, power | tick: 90383, rtc: 0, addr: 65, voltage: 24.059200, current: -0.000250

235479t [BRIDGE_SYS] [INFO] Bridge bus power: 0
235494t [BRIDGE_SYS] [INFO] Sample enabled 1
Sample Duration: 605000 ms
Sample Interval: 3600000 ms
Subsample enabled: 0
Subsample Duration: 30000 ms
Subsample Interval: 60000 ms
235501t [BRIDGE_SYS] [INFO] Bridge State Init Complete, powering off
246471t [BRIDGE_SYS] [INFO] Neighbor ba6d281ef1afe11 lost

Hi @cmchrist and welcome!

It looks like this is the normal behavior with the Bridge Power Controller enabled, which turns on and off Bristlemouth bus power on a configured duty cycle. This extends battery life at sea and ensures samples align to UTC clock time once Spotter has a GPS fix.

Your system looks like it has the configuration that was set during guide 5, sampling for 10 minutes out of every hour.

During development, it can be frustrating though, so you can turn off the Bridge Power Controller if desired and thereby keep the Bristlemouth bus powered at all times by setting a configuration value.

In the same Spotter USB console where you collected those logs, enter these 2 lines:

bridge cfg set 0 s u bridgePowerControllerEnabled 0
bridge cfg commit 0 s

After that, I hope everything works well for you. Let us know how it goes!