Dev kit STM32U5 digitizer

We have a version AD development board. Is there a way to use the STM32U5 analog-to-digital converters? It looks like all of the connectors are for power/ground and digital communication.

Here’s a quick answer, not at all authoritative — the only ADC I find exposed in a quick search is ADC1_IN16 which has test point TP19 on the mote. It goes through the mezzanine connector and is only exposed on the big orange dev kit board as test point TP17. Both of these test points are hidden under the mote when it’s connected to the dev kit. So I think the quick answer is no, but I’d love if @mjbella might have time to correct my quick guess here or make other suggestions.

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Hi @kucewicz,

Unfortunatly none of the pins are configured as an ADC in the current Board support packege(BSP) for the mote. The ADC1_IN16 pin is actually configured as the GPIO VBUS_BF_EN, which will enable/disable the load switch to provide VBUS to the Bristlefin board.

If you want to change the BSP and are familiar/comfortable with STM32CubeMX you can go in and switch the pins. CubeMX is the tool we use to configure the pins and generate the Hardware Abstraction Layer(HAL). Most of the peripheral lines, such as BM_MISO, Payload_TX/RX, and such can be switched to be an ADC. If you are interested I can provide a bit more detail on how this might be done. A little warning on changing the BSP: Be careful when switching pins as you will not want to switch any pins associated with the ADIN/onboard sensors(mainly I2C for the devkit)/external clocks or else you will lose functionality.