I was wondering, is there a way to change this sampling scheme remotely if something is not working while it is deployed? Is there a way to also ensure the dev kit is receiving messages remotely?
We have got the API working properly with our SAMI readings, but I no longer see the sofar dashboard website updating with wind, wave, and temp data.
Not sure why this is or if it has to do with the sampling scheme we have:
Yes, by contacting Sofar support, we can remotely make a config change to a unit while it’s deployed.
You can expect to always experience drift between any two clocks though. If you have the power budget to leave the Bristlemouth bus powered on the whole time, then it should be OK, but a better design would be to have your mote firmware trigger a pH reading on the SAMI on command. You’d have to look through the manuals and client software to find out whether this is possible, and contact Sunburst support if it’s not mentioned.
Right now we are getting pH readings, but I am not sure if we are receiving temperature, wind, and wave readings can you please help me to figure this out?
The dashboard shows that we haven’t received anymore of these readings since 9am, but I am not sure why they stopped.
It was SPOT-31260C, but it looks like it started working again. I am not sure why it stopped for those 4 hours yesterday. Maybe something with the cellular connection?
Hi @Taylor.gill - the issue was that your Spotter lost GPS signal for this time interval, which is not unexpected when testing near structures. When this happens, wave data and Smart Mooring sample will pause until signal is regained. Any data sent via your sensors will keep flowing through, but you’ll need to use the raw-messages endpoint to access it.
To determine when this happens from your end, you can check the ERROR logs for GPS signal transitions between OK and NO_SIGNAL.