I just finished updating the spotter and dev kit modules to v2.15.1 and v.0.11 respectively.
After that I tried flashing the hello world program again and now I’m suddenly seeing these errors when the spotter is connected to the devkit:
“/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>power.lo” Error opening file after 4 retries [6]
/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>power.lo LOG Error re-opening file /bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>power.lo [6]"
“/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>hum_temp.lo” Error opening file after 4 retries [6]
/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>hum_temp.lo LOG Error re-opening file /bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>hum_temp.lo [6]"
“/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>pressure.lo” Error opening file after 4 retries [6]
/bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>pressure.lo LOG Error re-opening file /bm/53bcc703ce1e1390/<0x01>pressure.lo [6]"
I have tried re-flashing the program once again, but the error persists.
I don’t see any command to remove these files using the spotter cli (I suspect it could be some incompatibility as these files were being written to by the older f/w versions prior to the update)
Any help/clarification regarding this would be appreciated!
Note: If there are any steps I need to take post updating the f/w, do let me know. I have followed steps 1 and 2 in https://bristlemouth.notion.site/Bristlemouth-Dev-Kit-Guide-Serial-Client-for-CircuitPython-569f25f984874a1485595b7a177669a7?pvs=25
as mentioned by Zachary here : Bridge dfu success: 0 err:8 - #4 by zachary