Welcoming @PeterSubSea as a new member of the Bristlemouth Pioneer Program

Please join us in congratulating @PeterSubSea of Lacigol Systems Inc! We look forward to learning more about your project.

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Hello Bristlemouth community!
Lacigol Systems is an engineering design company in Vancouver BC. We are excited to participate in the pioneer program and deploy the spotter in the waters of the Sechelt inlet in BC.

Our recent project is aiming to monitor the anchor of a ship. Various sensors are attached to the anchor and the chain of a sailing vessel. Telemetry is gathered and processed by an on-board CPU to determine changes in the sea conditions and the anchorage that may jeopardize the stability of the anchored vessel.

Having worked on multiple commercial sub-sea projects, it is nice to finally see a joint effort towards some standard communication for marine devices.