Spotter_tx_data possible bug

Was wondering if someone else could confirm the following behavior on their dev kit as well
Compiled with v0.9.0 of bm_protocol

When sending data out over spotter_tx_data
If I use BM_NETWORK_TYPE_CELLULAR_ONLY, it appears to send out the message but it never arrives in the API

However, if I use BM_NETWORK_TYPE_CELLULAR_IRI_FALLBACK, it works flawlessly.


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spotter txdata c Hello, cell!
never arrives in API

spotter txdata i Hello, cell w irid!
but this does

Spotter bouy FW 2.9.0

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Thanks for the report Julian! :pray: I’m looking into it. :male_detective:

OK, just confirmed — the message is being sent to spotter and out to the backend. However, we haven’t yet built anything in the back end to display data that arrives via that particular pipe! For now, please use the “cellular with iridium fallback” queue, and we’ll be sure to share when this feature is built on the backend.

Great job pushing the boundaries and helping us prioritize. :heart:

Additionally, I want to give a heads-up about versions. :warning:

On our short to-do list at Sofar Ocean is to publish a compatibility matrix and instructions for upgrading the Spotter and Bridge firmwares that are more targeted to Bristlemouth developers than the docs linked from our support page, which are more targeted at customers who prioritize stability.

There are definitely incompatibilities between Spotter v2.9.0 and Bristlemouth v0.9.0. In this case, your question was not actually related to those incompatibilities. :sweat_smile: The compatibility matters most between Spotter and the Bridge. The dev kit Bristlemouth version isn’t as load-bearing, but when you notice issues, one thing to try is building with a different Bristlemouth release version to see whether behavior changes.

If you notice any issues, with a spotter on v2.9.0, we recommend Bristlemouth v0.5.0 or whatever version your Bridge is running. The spotter version we just cut internally that goes along with Bristlemouth v0.9.0 is v2.13.0, but we haven’t pushed that out publicly with clear docs yet.

Thanks again for the amazing work here Julian! I’m thinking you’re one of our first superusers, and I can’t wait to build a thriving community here with you! :heart_eyes:

Thanks for the quick confirmation!

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