Welcoming @MCF as a new member of the Bristlemouth Pioneer Program

Please join us in congratulating @MCF of Innovation Multiplier, Lda! We look forward to learning more about your project.

We are delighted to be joining the Bristlemouth Pioneer program and greetings from Portugal.

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Happy holidays!

Looking to hear more about this project.

I also want to introduce you to @Caesarh who’s working for Aqualink who might be interested in hearing more about this.


Dear Zack,

Indeed, if it were not for Caesar, we would not have learned about your program and I think that we have great prospects for cooperation. We received an invitation to participate in the Puro working group to develop a methodology for assessing the biosequestration of CO2 in seawater. So your program can participate in online CO2 sequestration monitoring technology for voluntary carbon markets.
What do you think about it?

Happy holidays!

Best regards, Natalia.

A 2023-12-22 00:15, Zack J via Bristlemouth escreveu:

This sounds brilliant!

I’m happy that you were able to find out about this Pioineer Program via Aqualink.

There are a few others working on direct and indirect CO2 measurements/estimates within the Bristlemouth community and I look forward to seeing more information about your project and any outreach/collaboration activities.


Hi, Zack.

We have good news, we received the package yesterday!!
Could you send me an underwater photo with Spotter + Smart Mooring installed? I want to make a pitch with pictures and a story about our technology and I will send it to you.
I saw information about a new sensor development…
Do you know anything about these developments?
“Multiparameter (pH, CO2, temperature, acoustics) distributed fiber sensors developed by Pitt, NETL, and OFS Optics will leverage Sofar Ocean Spotter buoys as a platform to create distributed carbon-sensing networks.”
(I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Ohodnicki (University of Pittsburgh) and perhaps we can offer some of our ideas for developing this method).
I think this is a promising direction and I would be grateful if you have additional information or contacts of participants for possible cooperation with them.

Best regards, Natalia.

A 2024-01-02 19:50, Zack J via Bristlemouth escreveu:

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This one might work:

Regarding some stuff on the multiparameter sonde, I’ve been working a bit with the YSI Exo 3 and the Eureka Manta 35 a bit and they both show promise for integration.

There are a few pioneers working on water quality and multiparameter sondes so maybe we can find some folks here on this post or perhaps on Projects.


Hi Natalia, this sounds great! Please send over the the pitch to info@bristlemouth.org

Thank you!