Who has access to the data from our sensors?

Nice work on the dev kit, it’s a remarkable bit of engineering.

Question about the data pipeline and data access. Who has access to the data our sensor sends home via the Bristlemouth interface and the Spotter buoy? Are those data walled off and private, or visible to Sofar internally, or accessible publicly, or something else?


Hi there @Allan! Super excited that you’re here.

This is a great question and I might need to tag @evan in to give a little more detail on this particular question.


Hi Allan,

Thanks! Really looking forward to seeing what you build with the Dev Kit, (and to fixing the inevitable issues and edge cases you help us discover :sweat_smile:).

For Pioneer Program recipients, these systems fall under our standard Terms of Use.

My “not a lawyer” distillation of this is that Sofar has a perpetual license to the data sent to our servers to use as we see fit. As a policy, we do not share this data externally without consent. We access the data internally to provide support, proactively monitor system health, analytics, and modeling.

There is a “Share Public” toggle in the Spotter dashboard users can opt-in to to make the data from their systems accessible publicly.

For customers with more stringent data exclusivity/privacy/custody requirements (shockingly, many governments fall into this category), our sales team can discuss additional options.

Hope this helps,


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Hi @zack_j and @evan,

Thanks for the quick and helpful replies!

We definitely have use cases that require data privacy. Making sure we can share data openly when possible, and protect data when necessary, while using the same tools and interface, is thus key for us.

Looks like we have a conversation to have with the sales team! :smile: Can you ask the relevant person to reach out to us please?


Sounds good Allan - I’ll get a thread going via email.