@Rongee Haha - don’t get me wrong, I’m also a big fan of attaching things with duct tape! I’m glad you like the hole pattern idea. I don’t know if that’s the right way to do things, but it makes enough sense to me to at least try.
I saw you posted in “Bristlemouth Modules for Underwater Vehicles” about the kind of project you’re interested in so I replied there (that’s a great place for the discussion), but just as I said there, I think Bristlemouth is a great platform for educational projects.
RE water samplers, do you have a sense how much water you need to collect? I know for a lot of science work, they need several liters at least to filter down to the sample size they want. A lot of work is also being done on in-situ water sampling. I’ve been working on an underwater microscope, for example, but there’s lots to be discussed on this topic.
I’m loving having this discussion with you, and I look forward to chatting about these things more. Let’s make your project happen!